Comparison Guide | Lada's Mortuaries

Consumer Price Comparison Guideis currently being updated, please visit this page again at a later date

Below you will find the most recent addition of the local Consumer Price Guide. We compare Lada's Mortuaries to other area providers such as Draper, Stone, Todd, Forest Lawn, Rose Hills, Richardson-Peterson, Griffith Del Angel and others.You may be shocked at how much lower our prices really are. Its OK, we often get that until you realize as thousands of families have, we also offer the highest in quality care and services. The real question is not why are we so low? but "why are they so high". We are a local and family owned company, while Dignity, Draper, Stone, Del Angel, Rose Hills etc. are all owned by a large funeral conglomerate headquartered in Texas and on the New York Stock Exchange. They must answer to stockholders and investors only interested in their bottom line, we on the other hand only answer to you. So how have we served over 7,000 families the last 25 years? Exceeding expectations. We also provide 100% guaranteed satisfaction, and the Lowest over all cost We truly offer the best care at the lowest prices.  If you have questions, feel free to call anytime, we answer are own phones, ask to speak to one of the owners (855) LADA-TLC